The scents of Xscents

Have you ever encountered a warm breeze and felt your memories come to life? Or entered a quaint little shop and felt a surge of joy for no apparent reason?
It’s not a random coincidence, if that’s what you're thinking.
Research suggests that scents can trigger memories and emotions because of the way our brain is wired. The part of the brain that detects smell is linked to the part that deals with memories and emotions too (Source: Oxford Academic). That’s why fragrances play such a central role in our everyday life, even if we're not aware of it.
With this in mind, Xscents created a range of air fresheners that promise to evoke pleasant emotions whenever you use them. Our luxury air fresheners are inspired by famous designer perfumes that you have grown to love over the years. You can use these 2D cards and diffuser bottles at your home, office, shop, in your car or even your closet to create the prefect ambiance with each one of these scents.
