By the end of this article, I believe you may have greater clarity on what your priorities are and how you can become more powerful and happier than ever before. As a life coach, I meet so many people who have never even contemplated what an incredible life would look like. My job is to help clients get in touch with themselves on a deep level, from this place they are able to uncover what success really means to them and then get real results.
To make this fun let’s pretend that this is your mini-coaching session. How does that sound? Not much of a talker? That’s okay. Before we get started, I want you to take a deep breath in and hold it for at least four seconds before releasing it. From my years working with clients I can tell you that if you are resisting doing this, you probably need it even more. I know because I used to think of meditation as woo nonsense until I gave in and was surprised by the results. I’ll take the breaths with you as we pause for just a few moments.
Do you feel more centered and present at this moment? It’s amazing how something so simple can connect us more deeply with our bodies. If you don’t feel more at peace I’ll bet you didn’t try it.
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