Investor Daniel Calugar Discusses Nine Daily Habits of Successful People Worth Adopting

 Start Your Day Early

Many successful individuals start their day at least three hours before their true workday tasks begin. That time is spent exercising, planning, or working on personal tasks. This habit lets them feel in control of their day and get a jumpstart on things that may otherwise fall to the wayside.

Prioritize Exercise

Many successful people find a way to incorporate exercise into their daily schedules regularly. Exercise has proven benefits to stimulate the brain, clear the mind, and increase motivation.

Make Your Goals Specific

Successful people don’t just say ambiguous things like “I think I’ll start a business” or “I’m going to make healthy choices.” To accomplish your goals, your intentions need to be precise. Specific goals could be something along the lines of reaching out to 15 new clients a week, losing 20 pounds, or increasing business sales by 30 percent. Setting goals keeps you motivated and on-task, and removes any background noise that impedes achieving what is most important.
